Monday, May 11, 2009

Brett Favre

Dear America,

You love Brett Favre! I know that during the course of the past couple of seasons you keep saying that you wish Favre would stop with this flip-flopping on retirement. Let me tell you something though, you don’t wish that. You don’t wish that Brett would remain retired. You know that the first traces of a Minnesota deal made you salivate, if only a little bit.

Regardless of whether you have always hated Favre (Bears fans) or have always loved him, you are excited to see him play. If you hate him, you’re game to watch him get crushed as he loses another step of mobility. If you love him, you’re going to love watching the gun-slinger put together a couple more fourth quarter game-winning drives.

There are those out there that think one should retire with dignity. Those of you who think that, you didn’t win 3 NFL MVP awards. Favre has earned the right to do whatever the heck he wants. Not only has he earned this right; it’s an exciting process to watch as fans.

Right now NFL fans are desperately awaiting the beginning of mini-camps and pre-season football. The most exciting news story today (besides Favre) is: that the owners need to mend the fences with their quarterbacks who were snubbed either in free agency or during the draft (i.e. Campbell and McCown). Hearing about Favre coming back and how much of a difference that would potentially make to the Vikings is 100 times more exciting than hearing about a quarterback’s hurt feelings.

Then there is the excitement of thinking about all of the past games that Favre has been a part of! Knowing that next year, just as he did this past year with the Jets, there will be more of these exciting gun-slinger moments does make me want to watch football this very second!

America, stop hating on Brett for taking his time to decide on whether or not to stay retired. Don’t hate on him because he is changing his mind. In the end you know that you love it; you should admit that you love it and move on. You should be excited that there is even the chance that he might come back and that is part of the excitement that makes us love sports. Saying that you want this to stop is almost like saying that you want fourth quarter game-winning drives to stop as well.

Best regards,
Tim Deckman


  1. Brett Farve is a Packer. Period. End of story.

  2. He should go into the Hall of Fame as a Packer. However, how he will be remembered has nothing to do with him coming back this season. Joe Montana is remembered as a 49er regardless of playing for the Chiefs. All I'm saying is that I want to see Favre play another season and that the drama surrounding his yearly comebacks is exciting.

  3. Don't you mean Steve Young? I think you do..

  4. Part of me wants to see him retire with dignity, at the top of his game. Then the other part of me begins to salivate for one more exciting, emotion charged performance. Both parts love Brett, but I think the latter will always win out.
